Submit a Question for the FY 2025 RSVP Competition Q&A Events

Please use this form to pre-submit a question for consideration and response during one of the Q&A webinars connected to this funding opportunity:
If you have more than one question you will be able to submit this form multiple times.

Question Title

* 1. What is your First and Last Name

Question Title

* 2. What is your email address?

Question Title

* 4. AmeriCorps Seniors will respond to selected questions during three topic-specific Q&A events. For these events we have identified the following four topics:

Budgets: Questions could include general budget questions, questions about budget development, and formatting questions.
Performance Measures: Questions about what or how to measure your project activities and impact.
Work Plans: Questions about work plan elements such as which Focus Area(s) you might select, the description of community need, selecting appropriate output/outcome pairings, allocating unduplicated and total volunteers, and service activities and descriptions.
General/Other: Questions that do not clearly fall into any of the three topics listed above.

What topic best describes your question?

Question Title

* 5. Type your question into the field below. If you have more than one question you will be able to submit this form multiple times.