Please complete this survey to help us assess the current needs of the BWH research community and determine which of them can be addressed by the Brigham Research Institute (BRI), Office for Research Careers (ORC) or other entities. If you would like to speak to someone regarding a specific issue, please reach out the Brigham Research Institute at or the Research Helpline at

Question Title

* 1. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. Which best describes your gender identity? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Brigham role or HMS rank (if faculty)

Question Title

* 4. Type of Research (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. Division (if applicable)
*Please do not use abbreviations

Question Title

* 7. Rate the activity categories below based on their importance to your career development and retention at BWH.

  1 = not important at all 2 3 = neither important nor unimportant 4 5 = very important
Advocacy (input on institutional and local/state/federal policies impacting research)
Career/Workforce Development (networking, mentoring, education)
Collaborative Science (interdisciplinary events/programming, BRI centers/programs)
External Visibility (lab website support, attracting talent, branding, media relations, showcasing BWH research & investigators)
Funding (support for grant writing/external funding opportunities, internal seed grants/bridge funding/microgrants/larger grants for cross collaborative work, philanthropy)
Innovation (institutional support for navigating the innovation process/commercialization pathway/translational process)
Internal Communications (information about relevant research activities/opportunities)
Resources (infrastructure, cores, space)

Question Title

* 8. Rate the following activity categories below based on how well your need for them is currently being met at BWH

  1 = poorly met 2 3 = somewhat met 4 5 = very well met
Advocacy (input on institutional and local/state/federal policies impacting research)
Career/Workforce Development (networking, mentoring, education)
Collaborative Science (interdisciplinary events/programming, BRI centers/programs)
External Visibility (lab website support, attracting talent, branding, media relations, showcasing BWH research & investigators)
Funding (support for grant writing/external funding opportunities, internal seed grants/bridge funding/microgrants/larger grants for cross collaborative work, philanthropy)
Innovation (institutional support for navigating the innovation process/commercialization pathway/translational process)
Internal Communications (information about relevant research activities/opportunities)
Resources (infrastructure, cores, space)

Question Title

* 9. The Office for Research Careers (ORC) provides resources to meet the professional needs of the BWH research community. Rate the following resources on their effectiveness in meeting your professional needs.

  I was not aware of this resource 1= poorly met 2 3 = somewhat met 4 5 = very well met N/A
Business Cards for Postdocs
Career Talks
Guidance on applying for NIH Research Supplements to Promote Diversity
Lease Guaranty Program
ORC Grant Editing Service
ORC Awards (Faculty Career Development Awards, Postdoc Scholars Award for Excellence in Mentoring, Postdoc Family Care Travel Awards)
Programs, Resources, and Funding Opportunities from the BWH Postdoctoral Association (Social and educational events, Mentoring Circles Program, Resources for New Postdocs, Travel Support for BWH Postdocs)
Scientific writing resources and education (Grant Writing Course: The Art & Anatomy of Writing a Career Development (K) Grant and The ORC Abstract Writing Workshop)
Semesterly English as a Second Language Course

Question Title

* 10. Comments or suggestions?

Thank you for completing this survey. If you would like to be entered into a drawing for a prize box from Bites of Boston, please click here to provide your name and email in a separate survey.