2024 Lacrosse End of Season Survey

1.What league/level did your child(ren) participate in?(Required.)
2.How was your overall experience this season?(Required.)
I have concerns
I feel it could have went better
I feel like it was an average season
I had a good experience
I had a great experience
3.Did your child(ren) receive adequate playing time?(Required.)
4.What did your child(ren) learn this season?(Required.)
5.Did your child(ren) have fun and make new friends?(Required.)
6.At any point were you concerned for your child(ren)'s safety?(Required.)
7.Will your child be returning to play next season?(Required.)
8.How do you feel about the GRALA Board Performance? Did they provide adequate communication? Did they support you and your child's needs?(Required.)
I have concerns
I feel it could have went better
I feel like it was an average season
I had a good experience
I had a great experience
9.How do feel the GRALA DIBS system worked for your family? Were there enough opportunities to complete jobs? Were there enough tasks to choose from?(Required.)
I have concerns
I feel it could have went better
I feel like it was average
I had a good experience
I had a great experience
10.On a scale of 1-5 (5 being exceeds expectations) how was your experience with your coaches?(Required.)
Please don't have coach again
Coach needs work
Average Coach
Better than expected
Best Coach
11.When problem/s arose within the team, did you feel they were taken care of in a healthy and timely manner via Coaches or GRALA Board support?(Required.)
12.How was your Coaches communication?(Required.)
13.Coaches: Do you feel you received the proper teaching support you needed from GRALA?
14.Coaches: Do you feel you received proper GRALA Board support with player/parent difficulties?(Required.)
15.Practices per week?(Required.)
16.Season Length?(Required.)
17.Amount of games?(Required.)
18.Please add any additional feedback that you feel could better next season:(Required.)
19.Would you like the GRALA Board to contact you regarding your responses?(Required.)