Ordinary Magic 2024 Survey

1.Please rate your overall experience at Ordinary Magic 2023
2.Please tell us how you’re connected to Wilder. (Check all that apply.)
3.How would you rate the following, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent?
2-not satisfactory
Event check-in
Silent and Live Auctions
4.How effectively do you think the program communicated the following:
Not At All
Not Very Well
Somewhat Well
Very Well
Types of services and programs offered by Wilder Foundation
The positive impact Wilder Foundation has in the community
The need for philanthropic support
5.Please share in your own words why you support Wilder:
6.How would you prefer to connect to Wilder in the future? (Please check all that apply.)
7.The following questions are all optional. Please help us share the reach of our event with our sponsors. Data is unidentifiable and will only be reported on in aggregate.

What is your annual household income?
8.Where is your primary residence?
9.What sector do you work in?