Fort Bend Green, along with other partners on an initial steering committee, is developing a Recreation Master Plan for the Brazos River Corridor. This survey is designed to gather input from people who live, work and play along the Brazos River Corridor. We hope you will share your ideas and opinions with us. Your input will be used to guide the plan. Actual implementation of the plan will depend on future funding available from a combination of government, non-profit organizations, and private sector partners.

This survey will take about 15 minutes and we sincerely appreciate your time and effort in providing your preferences for the river corridor.

Our Mission is “To create a collaborative plan that recommends priority projects for recreation and conservation within the Brazos River Corridor in Fort Bend County.”

Question Title

This map shows the corridor along the Brazos River that is part of the planning effort.

This map shows the corridor along the Brazos River that is part of the planning effort.

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* 1. The Steering Committee’s Vision for the Brazos River Corridor supports these future conditions:

“The natural resources of the Brazos River are protected and appreciated by the community at-large.”
“The Brazos River is celebrated as one of the most outstanding and unifying resources of Fort Bend County.”
“Land trails, paddle trails and parks are connected in a distinguished Brazos River Greenway.”

Please tell us your opinion of these vision statements or any changes you would like to see.

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* 2. How important is each of the following actions in improving the Brazos River Corridor?
(Check one box per item, from 1 to 5, where 1 = Not Important, 5 = Very Important)

  1 Not Important 2 3 4 5 Very Important
Improve land access alongside the river (trails, public access)
Improve boat access onto the river (launch sites, boat rentals)
Protect ecology – conservation, restoration and habitat protection
Encourage economic development in areas near the river corridor
Stimulate recreation and tourism businesses that depend on the river corridor
Protect cultural resources, such as Native American & early settlement history
Increase recreation and nature tourism opportunities
Clean up river and riverbanks
Improve beauty and civic pride
Provide security for users and nearby property
Provide safety information to river and riverbank users
Improve interpretation and educational opportunities along the river corridor
Increase parkland along the river

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* 3. Following is a list of facilities and services that could be created along the river. In your opinion, how important is it to include each in the master plan recommendations?
(Check one box per item, from 1 to 5, where 1 = Not Important, 5 = Very Important)

  1 Not Important 2 3 4 5 Very Important
Trails that follow along the river
Trails that connect neighborhoods/developed areas to the river
Children’s play areas/playgrounds
Fishing access
Fountains, water features
Eco tourism programs, activities, tours
Canoe/kayak rentals
Community gathering areas
Boat ramps (motor boats)
Canoe/kayak launches/take-out points
Park benches
Publicly-managed hunting areas
River viewing decks
Interpretive kiosks or signs
Parking areas near the river
Cafes, food & drink vendors
Rental facilities for parties, events
Bike rentals
Picnic areas
Wildlife viewing facilities (decks, blinds, etc.)

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The images below show various trail designs and tell some of their characteristics.

The images below show various trail designs and tell some of their characteristics.

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* 4. If trails are constructed, what activities would you like to do on the trails? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. The following list includes issues that may impact the quality of the river corridor in Fort Bend County for recreation and conservation.
In your opinion, how significant is each issue?
(Check one box per item, from 1 to 5, where 1 = Not a Problem, 5 = Very Significant)

  1 Not a problem 2 3 4 5 Very Significant
Concerns about safety
Lack of parking to access river corridor
Loss of wildlife habitat
Need for more recreation opportunities
Competition for public vs. private space on the river
Erosion of riverbank
Lack of vision for the future of the corridor
Conflicts between development and natural and cultural protection
Concerns about crime
Limited pedestrian amenities
Pollution impacting water quality
Need for better ways to inform people about opportunities
Trash and dumping along the river
Recreation user conflicts in corridor
Increased property values displacing current residents
Lack of access and connectivity along the river corridor
Environmental degradation along the river corridors
Lack of interpretation of history and natural resources to explain the importance of places
Costs of operations and maintenance of new facilities

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* 6. The Brazos River has been a part of life for people living in the area since prehistoric times. We are interested in gathering personal experiences and folklore about the river to help visitors and residents understand the value of the corridor. If you have a story related to the river that you are willing to share, please enter it in the space below. We may use quotes in our promotional materials, attributed to "survey respondent."

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* 7. If you are interested in receiving information about how you can participate in the Brazos River Corridor Plan, please provide your name and email address below.

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* 8. Please provide us with your zip code.

You're finished! Thank you for your time and input.