Understanding the Future Microsurvey: Mobility
After watching the video presentation, please let us know your thoughts and ideas on mobility within Moffett Park.
What should the City's mobility priorities be in Moffett Park?
Select your top 3 choices
Encourage walking by creating a safe and inviting pedestrian network
Enable people of all ages and abilities to bike to, from, and within the plan area by building a connected network of comfortable biking facilities
Facilitate travel within the plan area by increasing transit, bike share, scooter share, and other options
Expanding access to the Bay Trail
Increasing connectivity with downtown and the region by working with VTA to increase transit frequency and convenience
Manage parking to reduce reliance on driving to and within the plan area
Increase multimodal access to the site through its limited entry points
Manage congestion leading into and within the plan area
Other (please specify)
What are your biggest concerns about mobility in Moffett Park that should be addressed in the Specific Plan?
Select all that apply
Lack of sidewalks and safe places to cross streets
Limited biking facilities within the plan area
Limited pedestrian and bicycle connections into the plan area
Infrequent transit service
Limited transit connections to nearby destinations
Lack of options for getting around within the plan area without a car
Speeding traffic
Congestion at plan area entry points (North Mathilda Ave, Java Dr, Caribbean Dr/Lawrence Expwy)
Difficulty finding park
Other (please specify)
What is one big transportation idea you would like the Specific Plan team to explore?