Question Title

* 1. Attendee information: Primary point of contact and other attendees

Question Title

* 2. Can you describe in a brief statement what a contractor should expect if they secure a meeting with you during the MCAA Converge?

Question Title

* 3. From 1 through 5 (5 being most applicable and 1 being least applicable), rate each of the following areas of interest where your company's products and services can deliver meaningful value to the contractor customer.

  5 Most  4 3 2 1 Least
Ai / Machine Learning / Big Data / Analytics
Asset (capital /  fixed) and Fleet optimization and telematics
Asset optimization (consumables / variable) optimization and telematics
Business Development: Strategic partnering with existing customers
Business Development: New Markets / New Customers
Consultants / Subject Matter Experts / Professional Service Providers
Culture / Diversity / Organizational development / People
Digitization / Achieving paperless / Workflow improvement
Innovation and Technology
Internet of Things (IoT) / Wearables
Labor Optimization
Pre-Fab/Modularization/Lean Construction
Risk management
Robotics / Cobotics / Human Augmentation / 
Pre-Construction Solutions
Project Management Solutions
Operations Solutions
Service Solutions
Supply Chain / Distribution
Training  / Certifications 
Employee Engagement & Communication / Field to Office or Office to Field Communication