Do you have an outstanding member of staff in your team? Do they regularly go above and beyond what is expected of them? Have they demonstrated diligence, tenacity and proactivity? Alongside good humour and an inclusive approach? If so, we want to hear from you!

This award, supported by SearchFlow, gives you the opportunity to nominate a star performer for their achievements over the past 12 months. It is open to all personnel working within Local Land Charges or any relevant, related department.

Enter this award by answering the questions below - the word limit for each is 250 words. Please note that it is the quality of each answer that is important, rather than the length. No attachments or supporting evidence are required at this stage.

The deadline for applications is 29th November 2024. A shortlist will be announced in February 2025.

Your entry will be judged by the Excellence Awards judging panel, comprising representatives from Land Data, the LLCI, HMLR, The Coal Authority and NLIS.

If you have any questions about completing this form, please contact

Question Title

* 1. Your responses may be anonymously shared in the NLIS monthly newsletter and/or the Land Data website, in order to share best practice and celebrate success amongst the Local Land Charges community.

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* 2. Please provide your details:

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* 3. Please provide the nominee's details:

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* 4. Describe how your team member has had a demonstrable impact on the efficiency of your team. 
What skills and capabilities have they brought to the team? 
Which tasks have they taken on?
What has been the impact? (Total 250 words)

Question Title

* 5. Describe how the nominee has gone above and beyond what is expected of them. 
What tasks did they take on? 
What new ideas did they bring to the table?
What were the results? 
How did this impact the team? (Total 250 words)

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* 6. What has been your team member’s top achievement over the past year?
How did they plan and deliver the work?
What has been the impact of this work? (Total 250 words)

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* 7. Describe the positive impact your team member has had on your team culture
How have they initiated or championed change within the team? 
How have other team members responded? 
What has the impact on the team been? (Total 250 words)

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* 8. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about why your nominee should win this award?
(Total 250 words)