Pre-Application Consultation Feedback Form

NRS Limited intend to submit a full planning application to the Isle of Anglesey County Council for:
Dismantling/removal and relocation/re-erection of redundant building (known as Building 187) for use as a Non-Active Clearance Facility.

We would be grateful to receive your views of the development proposals, which will be recorded and taken into consideration as part of the planning application process.

Question Title

* 1. In light of what you know about the scheme, do you support the proposed development?

Question Title

* 2. Are there any comments you have in respect of the proposed development:

* Your details. These details will be used solely in relation to this development. You do not need to provide your details if you don’t want to.

Question Title

* 3. Name:

Question Title

* 4. Address:

Question Title

* 5. Email:

* We are committed to respecting your privacy and complying with Data Protection Law. Avison Young wishes to collect your comments on behalf of Nuclear Restoration Services Ltd, regarding consultation on the proposals at Wylfa Power Station. Your comments will be used in relation to the consultation and shared in the public domain. All comments may be included in published reports. However, if you are an individual and decide to provide your name and contact details, only your comments will be published.