**Thank you for applying for Bridgeway's First Leap program. Applications close midnight, March 11th, 2024. **
First Leap is an entrepreneurial readiness program for startup and emerging creative businesses. Whether you identify as an artist, maker, designer, or craftsperson, creatives often employ sophisticated skills when it comes to making, but the business side of their practice often remains underdeveloped. The First Leap program provides participants with the foundations to become business owners ready to professionalize their passion and sustain their practice.

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. For our grant reporting purposes, which of the following best represents your racial or ethnic heritage? Choose all that apply

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* 5. For our grant reporting purposes, which of the following best represents your gender?

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* 6. Are you a veteran?

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* 7. Business Address

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* 8. Business Name

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* 9. Business URL:

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* 10. Instagram URL:

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* 11. Facebook URL:

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* 12. Year Founded

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* 13. In 2 - 3 Sentences, briefly describe your business, including your products and/or services:

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* 14. How would you designate your business using a NAICS Code? (Please enter your 6-digit code found using the linked resource)

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* 15. Where do you primarily produce your products?

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* 16. Where do you currently sell your products or services (etsy, in-person markets, e-commerce, etc)?

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* 17. Online Marketplace URL:

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* 18. What are your main business goals over the next year?

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* 19. Where do you envision your business in the next 3 - 5 years?

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* 20. What do you hope to achieve through this program?

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* 21. What level of financial independence have you realized through your creative business? (Select the option that best applies to you)

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* 22. Please list any incubators, accelerators, or business learning programs you’ve previously participated in.

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* 23. Is there anything else you would like for us to know about you or your business?