Board Member Nomination 2019 2019 Board Nomination Thank you for your interest in joining the BOMA Oakland/East Bay Board of Directors, below is the application. Please complete it and our nomination committee will be back to you with next steps. OK Question Title * 1. Board Nominee Name: OK Question Title * 2. Board Nominee's Company: OK Question Title * 3. Board Nominee's Title: OK Question Title * 4. Are you a Associate or Principal Member? Associate Principal OK Question Title * 5. How many years of experience do you have in CRE? 0-3 years 4-7 years 8-12 years 13-19 years 20 or more years OK Question Title * 6. How many years of experience do you have in BOMA Oakland East Bay? 0-3 years 4-7 years 8-12 years 13-19 years 20 or more years OK Question Title * 7. What is the highest level of school you have completed or highest degree you have received? Less than high school degree High school degree Some college but no degree Associate degree Bachelor degree Graduate degree OK Question Title * 8. What is your generation? Gen Z (0-22) Millenial (23-38) Gen X (39-54) Boomers (55-73) OK Question Title * 9. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Black or African American Hispanic White/Caucasian Multiple ethnicity/Other OK Question Title * 10. What if any certifications do you hold? RPA FMA CMP CCIM SMA SMT HP PMP None Other (please specify) OK NEXT