5% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Laura Case and Dr. V.S. Ramachandran are conducting a research study to find out more about representation of sex and the body in the brain.

This survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes of your time. We expect about 400 participants to take part in this survey.

Access to study records: Laura Case, VS Ramachandran, and their assistants at the Center for Brain and Cognition will have access to these study records. The UCSD IRB also retains the right to access these study records. Your name will not be collected and so will not be attached to these data.

General Risks: We will ask some very personal questions about your sex, gender, and sexual preferences. Participating in this study presents a theoretical risk of loss of confidentiality of this information. However, your participation will be completely anonymous unless you choose to provide your email address at the end of the survey so that we can invite you to participate in any follow-up studies that become available. The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential to the extent provided by law and will always be stored anonymously, separate from your email address. Data collected in the study will be destroyed after seven years. Your identity will be removed from the data. No information about you, or provided by you during the study, will be disclosed to others without your written permission. All information will be kept in password-protected digital files. The information (including your email address) will not be reused or released for other purposes. Whenever it is appropriate, you will be given additional information about the study after participating, but only if you provide your email address, which is completely optional.

Benefits: There will be no direct benefits to you from participation. The investigators, however, may learn more about representation of sex and the body in the brain.

Compensation: There is no direct compensation for this study. However, if you provide your contact information, we may contact you to see whether you would like to participate in other studies in our lab, which offer financial compensation. There are no financial costs to you for participating in this study.

Alternatives to participation: The alternative to participating in this study is to not participate.

Termination of the study: You may terminate participation in this study at any time by exiting the survey without final submission. To withdraw your data at any further point in time please email the experimenter at lkcase@ucsd.edu.

If you are injured as a direct result of participation in this research, the University of California will provide any medical care you need to treat those injuries. The University will not provide any other form of compensation to you if you are injured. You may call the Human Research Protections Program Office at (858) 455-5050 for more information about this, to inquire about your rights as a research subject, or to report research-related problems.

If you have any questions or research-related problems, you may reach Laura Case at lkcase@ucsd.edu.

Participation in research is entirely voluntary. You may withdraw at any time without any consequence.

By clicking accept you agree to participate in this study.