I'm delighted to invite you to take part in this #CDIBigListen survey, seeking your views on the CDI as your professional body, including the services and support that you receive.

Why is this important?

Understanding the needs of our members is vital to guide our work on your behalf. By completing this survey you enable us to;
  • Improve and develop services and support that meet your needs
  • Focus our efforts in the areas that are most important to you
  • Maximise our impact as a professional body
This is our fourth annual survey gathering your opinions as members of the CDI, and this helps us track where we are improving, where we need to do more and the impact of changes we have made.

The survey will be open until 9am on Monday 24 June and should take 10-15 minutes to complete.

How we will use your feedback

The survey is anonymous and we will share the key findings on the #CDIBigListen web pages and in Career Matters, along with updates on how the results have helped inform upcoming activities.

Your feedback in this survey will be used within the CDI to focus efforts to further improve our services and support. For example, previous feedback included concerns about reaching the CDI by phone, leading to us replacing our phone system to make it easier to contact us.

Thank you for taking the time to share your views.

Best regards
David Morgan
Chief Executive