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The Constitution Working Group (CWG) was assembled in June of 2017.  Its purpose is to provide guidance and support regarding the completion and ratification of the Ktunaxa Constitution, including Ktunaxanin̓tik, leadership and appropriate staff engagement.

The CWG, with the support of the Citizen Engagement team, is in the early stages of its engagement with Ktunaxanin̓tik regarding the draft Ktunaxa Constitution.  This short survey will give the CWG a better understanding of how much you already know about the Ktunaxa Constitution and how you would like to receive information.  Please take a minute to answer the questions the best you can.  We thank you for your participation in this survey. It is very much appreciated.

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* 1. Which of the methods we have used to share information have you found most useful?  Please check one or more.

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* 2. What other methods do you think may be helpful?

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* 3. What does Nation Rebuilding mean to you?

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* 4. How do you think a constitution fits within Nation Rebuilding?

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* 5. On a scale of 1-5, how would you gauge your level of knowledge of the current governing structure at the Nation level?

No knowledge Limited knowledge Good knowledge
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. What would you say are the most important elements of a nation’s constitution?  Please check one or more.

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* 7. How is the current Ktunaxa Nation Council government selected (leadership not staff)?  Please check one.

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* 8. At what stage of development do you think the Ktunaxa Nation Constitution is at?  Please check one.

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* 9. How would you gauge your level of knowledge of what a constitution is and what it means to the Nation? Please check one.

No knowledge Limited knowledge Good knowledge
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 10. Which Band do you associate yourself with?  Please check one.

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* 11. What age category do you belong to?  Please check one.

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* 12. Where do you currently reside?  Please check one.

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* 13. Please use this space for additional comments.

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* 14. What question(s) would you have liked us to ask that we didn't ask?

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* 15. Please provide the following information.  Your information will not be shared with anyone.

0 of 15 answered