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The Tribal Indian Child Welfare Advocates Training Program is administered by the National Indian Justice Center pursuant to a grant from the California Department of Social Services. The goal of the program is to provide training and educational resources to social workers and other professionals working on Indian Child Welfare cases. Project curricula include Tribal Criminal Background Checks, Tribal Customary Adoption, Active Efforts, and Stages of Dependency.

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* 1. Please provide us with your contact information

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* 2. Please rate each training by your level of interest

  Very Interested Interested Not Interested Unsure
Tribal Customary Adoption
Tribal Criminal Background Checks
Active Efforts
Stages of Dependency

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* 3. Are you interested in learning about any other ICWA related topics that are not listed above? If so, please share them with us below.

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* 4. Which region would you prefer to attend a training session in?

  Very Interested Interested Not Interested Unsure
North Coast (i.e. Humboldt County/Eureka)
Northern Sierra (i.e. Chico, Truckee)
Northern Central (i.e. Redding)
Urban Central (i.e. Sacramento)
Southern (i.e. Los Angeles, San Diego County)
Lower North Coast (i.e. Sonoma County)
Urban Northern (i.e. San Francisco)
Eastern Sierra (i.e. Bishop)

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* 5. Are you interested in receiving training in a location that was not listed above? If so, please let us know your preferred training location(s).

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* 6. Would you be interested in receiving training through any of the following alternative options?

  Very Interested Interested Not Interested Unsure
Self-paced online course
Brief webinars
Printed course materials (i.e. course manuals, handouts)

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* 7. Do you prefer any other training methods besides classroom training or the alternatives listed above? If so, please share them with us.

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* 8. How interested are you in receiving office-based technical assistance for Tribal Criminal Background Checks?

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* 9. Are you interested in receiving office-based technical assistance on any other topics (i.e. Tribal Customary Adoption, Active Efforts, Stages of Dependency)? If so, please share them with us.

Thank you for completing our survey! We look forward to working with you!
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