
Brandon is partnering with the Canadian Centre for Safer Communities to develop a Community Safety & Well-Being Plan.

The project will include several public consultation activities, beginning with the survey below and followed by focus groups and other engagements. Brandon’s Community Safety & Well-Being Project Team will be engaging with a broad range of stakeholder groups.

Increasing community safety and well-being for people living in Brandon requires a collective approach to issues such as poverty and inequality, as well as services for those struggling with mental illness, substance use challenges, and homelessness. While this will go a long way to help addressing community safety in the long run, these efforts should be balanced with more immediate interventions to prevent and reduce crimes.

We want to understand how you currently perceive community safety and well-being in Brandon, as well as learn from your lived experience. We’re looking at what currently exists and is working well in Brandon, as well as identifying challenges and community needs to be met. This survey and your experiences are instrumental for the creation of Brandon’s community safety plan; however, you can skip any question you do not wish to answer and may end your involvement in the survey at any time, for any reason.

Your answers will remain confidential. Demographic information is collected to understand the various experiences of residents in Brandon. Any of your identifying information (demographics, location, income etc.) will be used in aggregate form, meaning they will be compiled with other survey responses so as not to be identifying.

The information collected in this survey will be used to inform the priorities of Brandon’s Community Safety & Well-Being Plan, which will be made publicly available in 2025.

This survey will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. We recognize that this survey is detailed and we thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully answer the questions. Responses will be collected until September 15, 2024. If you have any questions about this survey or if you would like to request a paper copy, please email
Content Warning: The survey includes questions about your experience with several different crimes, including domestic violence, assault, and sexual assault. Specific details regarding your experience will not be asked.

If you would like to discuss your experience in more detail, please connect with a local agency, listed here.