Pork Board  Facebook Live 10/16

Please complete entire survey if you would like to be entered to win a Swag Box.  You will have an opportunity with each FB Live to win a swag box ( one box per person).  Boxes can only be mailed to respondents in the U.S.  Your responses will be shared with the FB Live event sponsor. 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information if you would like to be entered to win a SWAG box.

Question Title

* 2. What is your current role or title?

Question Title

* 3. What is one new thing you learned about pork or farming in this Facebook Live that you did not already know?

Question Title

* 4. How often do you mention or refer to pork products or pork nutrition in your nutrition communication, programs or promotions?

Question Title

* 5. Of the following protein items, which do you think your customers/clients are purchasing MOST often?

Question Title

* 6. Please rank or rate the following issues (in regards to the meat industry), where you would most like to see improvements.

  Very important Somewhat important Neutral/no opinion Slightly/of little importance Not important
Environmental impact
Animal Welfare
Worker Safety
Health and Wellness 
Food Safety

Question Title

* 7. How often do you have or do you hear concerns from your customers/patients (if applicable) regarding: 

  Often ( weekly) Occasionally (monthly) Rarely (a few times/year) 
 food safety of pork? 
 antibiotics in  meat?
hormones in meat

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* 8. What is the top way we can support you better ( indicate all that apply) 

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* 9. Please indicate your satisfaction with the Pork Board FB Live and speaker. If you have any additional comments about the session please indicate in "other"