Outdoor training
Are you ready for outdoor training?
If gathering sizes of up to 25 people are permitted, are you comfortable training outside? Will you attend outdoor training?
How comfortable are you with your Taekwon-Do student gathering with up to 24 others for outdoor training?
Extremely confident
Very confident
Not so confident
Not at all confident
Would you attend outdoor training, based on the information outlined in our
news post
Definitely would
Probably would
Probably would not
Definitely would not
Where do you think we should hold training?
Vellenoweth Green
Churchill Park (Kinsale Ave, by the pre-school)
Other (please specify)
Why do you prefer this option?
Available area
Available parking
Other (please specify)
Did you attend our training sessions via Zoom?
A few times a week
About once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
Less than once a month
We did not attend Zoom sessions
How did you feel about our Zoom classes?
What are the age groups of your family's Taekwon-Do students?
Taekwon-Do Kubz (approx 3-6 years)
Taekwon-Do children (under 8 years)
Taekwon-Do intermediates (9-12 years)
Youths and adults (13 years and over)
Parents with children (training together)
What are the grades of your family's Taekwon-Do students?
Taekwon-Do Kubz
White belt to yellow belt
Above yellow belt