Eastern Oklahoma State College is conducting a survey of current students. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete and will be open to students until May 19. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated. 

Question Title

* 1. I am currently a:

Question Title

* 2. I attend the majority of my classes at:

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following aspects of Eastern's academic-related services:
(4=very satisfied, 3=satisfied, 2=dissatisfied, 1=very dissatisfied)

  4 3 2 1 Not Applicable
Quality of overall instruction
Course content in your area of study
Overall engagement with your instructors
Availability of instructors outside the classroom (office hours)
Attitude of the instructors toward students
Availability of the courses you want at times you can take them
Availability of various course types (in-person, online, 8-week, 16-week, etc.)
General enrollment procedures
Library resources and services
College-sponsored tutoring services (TRiO, Writing Center, Tutor.com, etc.)

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following aspects of Eastern's student-related services:
(4=very satisfied, 3=satisfied, 2=dissatisfied, 1=very dissatisfied)

  4 3 2 1 Not Applicable
College bookstore
On-campus student activities
Student housing
Health services (medical and counseling)
Access to computer labs
Availability of financial aid information prior to enrollment
Knowledge and helpfulness of academic advisor
Attitude of the staff toward students
Staff's willingness to offer assistance
Communication of college news/information to students

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following aspects of Eastern's campus climate:
(4=very satisfied, 3=satisfied, 2=dissatisfied, 1=very dissatisfied)

  4 3 2 1 Not Applicable
Your sense of personal safety/security while on campus
Employee respect for students
Student respect for other students
Racial and cultural harmony
Freedom from harassment or bullying
Your sense of belonging at Eastern
Employees' concern for you as an individual

Question Title

* 6. Would you choose Eastern again? Why or why not?

Question Title

* 7. Did you experience any barriers or issues that prevented you from being successful at Eastern? If so, please describe.

Question Title

* 8. Which areas could use improvement regarding your experience at Eastern?

Question Title

* 9. Are there any student organizations that you would like to be part of that aren't currently offered at Eastern?

Question Title

* 10. Please provide any additional comments you would like to share about your overall satisfaction and experience at Eastern.