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This survey is 100% anonymous. No data is collected from the person who submits it. Please be honest in your inputs

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* 1. I am satisfied that I have the opportunities to apply my talents and expertise.

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* 2. I am pleased with the career advancement opportunities available to me.

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* 3. I am satisfied with the job-related training my organization offers.

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* 4. I am inspired to meet my goals at work.

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* 5. I get excited about going to work.

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* 6. I am often so involved in my work that the day goes by very quickly.

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* 7. My teammates take the initiative to help each other when the need arises

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* 8. Management within my organization recognizes strong job performance.

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* 9. Senior management and employees trust each other.

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* 10. Employees treat each other with respect.

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* 11. I understand how my work impacts the organization's business goals.

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* 12. My feedback on Sales process (pitch, email content, research methodology) is taken seriously

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* 13. Changes to Sales processes like Lead assignment, SFDC & Outreach updates are clearly communicated to me

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* 14. My supervisor and I have a good working relationship.

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* 15. My supervisor is keen on celebrating success

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* 16. I am satisfied with the culture of my workplace.

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* 17. Any feedback that you would like to share to improve the culture?

0 of 17 answered