Fall 2023

Question Title

* 1. Your responses to this survey will be used to evaluate your instructor and this course. They will also be used by your instructor for continuous improvement of teaching and service. Please give careful thought to your responses, and write any additional comments at the bottom of the form. The results of the survey will be summarized and returned to your instructor AFTER final grades have been submitted.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Utilized
The instructor's explanations were clear.
The instructor helped students feel free to ask questions.
The instructor answered student questions satisfactorily.
The instructor provided clear information on course requirements.
The instructor had high expectations for student learning.
The instructor carefully planned the course.
The instructor followed the grading procedures outlined in the course syllabus.
The instructor provided feedback on my progress in a timely fashion.
The instructor used methods of evaluation that measured learning.
The instructor treated students with respect.
The instructor seemed genuinely interested in what he/she was teaching.
I could get personal help in this course by e-mail, telephone, or appointment.
I would recommend this instructor.
The instructor took reasonable precautions to prevent cheating.
The instructor provided helpful critiques of assignments.
The instructor encouraged critical thinking and problem solving.
The instructor encouraged the use of technology to help students learn.
I found this course to be challenging.
I was an active learner in this course.
My attendance in this course was good.

Question Title

* 3. Any comments you may have to better the class