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* 1. Which of these modes are available to you on a regular basis? Check all that apply.

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* 2. What mode of transportation do you use most frequently? Check all that apply.

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* 3. What mode(s) of transportation do you prefer?

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* 4. Approximately how often do you drive a vehicle to a destination within Blue Lake Rancheria?

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* 5. Approximately how often do you ride a bike to a destination within Blue Lake Rancheria?

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* 6. Approximately how often do you walk to a destination within Blue Lake Rancheria?

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* 7. What community do you live in?

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* 8. Where do you usually go in the Rancheria? Check all that apply.

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* 9. How frequently do you travel out of the Rancheria?

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* 10. What are your most frequent destinations outside of the Rancheria?

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* 11. How far do you commute to work or school?

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* 12. How far do you commute to other necessary destinations, such as the grocery store, medical appointments?

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* 13. Do you feel safe biking or using other Assisted Transportation Devices (walker, wheelchair, etc.) around the Rancheria? Why or why not?

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* 14. Do you feel safe walking around the Rancheria? Why or why not?

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* 15. What would make you feel safe traveling via walking, bicycling, using a walker, wheelchair, etc.?

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* 16. Please rank the following transportation needs in
order of priority (1 is your highest priority and 5 is your lowest)

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* 17. What concerns do you have with the transportation network in the Rancheria? Check all that apply.