As a service to our local businesses, we’d like to know what products or services come to your mind when you think of various business categories. The survey is totally anonymous, so there’s no need for your personal information. It’s quick, easy and we think you’ll find it interesting.   
The survey is ten questions that just need you to name of the product or business that comes to mind when you think of the product or business category. If no product or business comes to mind right away, that’s ok too, just write “none” or N/A. The entire survey should take no more than three minutes.
Thank you for your participation! Click "Ok" to begin.

Question Title

* 1. What area of the state (within forty miles) do you live and work most of the year? (select one)

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* 2. What is the first brand that comes to mind when you think of a soft drink? (if none, write "N/A")

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* 3. What is the first fast food restaurant that comes to mind? (if none, write "N/A")

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* 4. If you needed new furniture for your home or office, where would you go? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 5. If you wanted to paint the interior or exterior of your home or business, what painter would you call? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 6. If you were in need of someone handy to repair, replace, or fix something in your home, what provider comes to mind first? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 7. If your vehicle needed work or maintenance, who comes to mind first to take care of it? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 8. If you wanted to look into a heat pump for your home or business, who comes to mind first? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 9. If you wanted to have a home generator installed for your house, who would you call? (if none, write “N/A”)

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* 10. If you or a loved one needed to look into a retirement home, what facility comes to mind first? (if none, write “N/A”)