Leeds & Grenville Community FHT Patient Experience Survey

Please Help Us Improve Our Services. Your Opinion Really Matters To Us!

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* 1) The last time you were sick, or were concerned you had a health problem, how many days did it take from when you first tried to see your doctor, or nurse practitioner, to when you actually SAW him/her (or someone else in their office)?

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* 1 b) If you answered 2-19 days, please write how many days it took:

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* 1 c) If it took more than 2 days to be seen by a provider, when you were sick, or were concerned you had a health problem, please explain why:

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* 2) When you book an appointment at our office, do you feel that the appointment date offered to you is within a reasonable amount of time?

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* 2 b) Did you get an appointment on the day you wanted?

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* 3) When you see your doctor or nurse practitioner, how often do they or someone else in the office involve you as much as you want to be in decisions about your care and treatment?

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* 4) Thinking of your overall experience with our clinic please comment on:

What have we DONE WELL?

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* 5) Thinking of your overall experience with our clinic please comment on:

What can we IMPROVE ON?