Briggs Lawrence County Public Library Community Survey Question Title * 1. Do you use the Briggs Lawrence County Public Library? Yes If No, why not? Question Title * 2. Which Briggs Lawrence County Library location(s) do you most often use? Ironton Branch South Point Branch Chesapeake Branch Proctorville Branch Symmes Valley Branch Question Title * 3. What tasks are most challenging for you or your family? (Check all that apply) Food insecurity Childcare Employment Finding accessible leisure activities Keeping up with medical appointments School-related issues Mental health concerns Transportation Access to social services Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Why do you visit the library? (Check all that apply) Learning experiences for me Learning experiences for my children To check out books/materials To spend time with friends To spend time with my family To see or learn something I am already interested in To feed my/our curiosity To provide my children with a place to play It is fun Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What does the library do well? (Check those that are most important to you) It makes my job as a parent/caregiver easier The library helps people in my community The library contributes to the quality of life in my community Staff members always make me feel welcome The library work well with other community organizations and/or local business. To be honest, this library doesn't do anything well None of these Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What materials and services are most valuable to you and your family? (Check your top 3 choices) The collections of books and materials appeal to my family or me. I/we enjoy the downloadable books/collections. (ebooks, streaming video/music) I/we enjoy the in-person programs (e.g., classes, story times, author visits, etc.) I/we utilize the electronic databases such as Ancestry, Linkedin Learning, Consumer Reports, etc. I/we enjoy the meeting rooms I/we enjoy the computer access I/we enjoy the wireless internet connection. I/we use the library for document services (notary, printing, copying, faxing) Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What materials and services are most valuable to the community? (Check your top 3) Collections of books and materials Library space to reserve and hold events/meetings Wireless internet connectivity and computer access Quiet study/reading space Document services (notary, printing, copying, faxing) Classes and programming for children Classes and programming for teens Classes and programming for adults Classes and programming for seniors Support and resources for students and educators Access to other community organizations/services/businesses through partnerships and programming. Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. What would improve this library? (Check your top 3 choices) I think they are doing a great job already Extended hours More materials/collections such as books, DVD's etc. Dedicated quiet areas Displays that are easy to browse and find new materials Public programs for adults Public programs for youth A wider variety of public programs After-hours pickup lockers More meeting space to reserve More outreach to the broader community (bookmobile, presence at events, delivery) Friendlier/more welcoming staff Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Thinking about the future, what technology will be valuable to people in your community? Computer coding & programming Wearable healthcare technology (blood pressure monitors, HR monitors, fitness trackers, etc.) Maker services (3D printer, Cricut, laser cutters, vinyl printers, etc.) Video/Photography and editing software Smart Home technology (ex. Nest, Ring) Facebook Portal, Alexa Show, Google Home, Nest Hub (Smart displays) Robotics Virtual/Augmented Reality Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. How do you find out about community events? (check all that apply) Local newspaper Church Facebook or social media Bulletin Board Friends/word of mouth Event Mailings/flyers/signs Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. What are your interests/hobbies (check all that apply) Art Baking/Cooking Community involvement (4H, Rotary, Lions, Food Pantry, civic clubs, etc.) Crafts Fandom/Comicoms Fitness/Sports Foreign Language Learning Hunting/Fishing Genealogy/History Gardening Games/Gaming Healthy habits (meditation, yoga, tai chi, nutrition, self care, etc.) Reading Making music (playing an instrument, singing, participating in musical group, etc.) Watching movies/television Nature (hiking, camping, birdwatching, foraging, etc.) Travel (sightseeing, visiting new places, local interests, etc.) Pets Photography Painting Knitting/Crocheting Sewing/Quilting Technology Writing/journaling Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. On the library’s website, I know how to: Make a purchase suggestion. Reserve a book/movie/audiobook. Find programs. Register for programs. Reserve a meeting room. Ask a reference question. Find the Library staff and leadership. Access Library Board meeting information. I don’t know how to do these things. I don’t use the library’s website. Question Title * 13. What is the biggest asset of our community? Question Title * 14. What is the biggest current challenge for our community? Question Title * 15. What skills or education do you think would improve your career or increase your income? Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Job Specific Software Resume writing Grant Writing Small business or startup information and guidance Foreign Language Accounting Software Project Management Software Nothing right now/I'm retired Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. What personal/life improvement or organizational skills are interesting to you? (check all that apply) Job Searching on the internet Will/Trusts/ Legal document support Online Calendars (iCal, Google Calendar, MSOutlook) Collaborative platforms (Microsoft Teams, Slack, Basecamp, etc.) Cloud photo storage (iCloud, GooglePhotos) Video or photo editing software/apps Notary Passport Application process Tax information and support Other (please specify) Question Title * 17. What do you typically do at the library? (check all that apply) Use the Computer Pick up Reserves Attend a program (ex. Storytime, book club) User the copier/fax/scanner Browse Collections Check-out books & materials Research History/Genealogy Use public meeting space Work/Study Meet friends Other (please specify) Question Title * 18. What would improve your library experience? Question Title * 19. What would make the library a more comfortable place to be? (Check top 3) More soft seating Improved cleaning/decluttering of public areas Easier access to collections (displays, walkways, shelving arrangements) More quiet study space Space to reserve for small groups An early literacy play area for very young children More outdoor areas for reading and enjoyment Neuro Diverse hours or designated spaces Equipment to reserve for meetings (laptops, microphones, projector, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. What is your age? Under 13 13-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and up Question Title * 21. I am interested in providing additional feedback to the library for the Strategic Planning Process. Yes No Question Title * 22. If you answered Yes to the question above, please include your contact information below. Name Email Address Phone Number Done