
The Historical Association is the voice for history. As the subject association for history in schools, with close to 5000 primary school members plus 26,000 primary teachers and educators who regularly engage with us, we are the only organisation able to provide such a representative picture of the issues affecting primary history education.

We need your help. As the only organisation gathering a consistent evidence base and with a general election imminent, now is an important moment for teachers to have their say about issues affecting primary history to ensure that we can present your views accurately to policy makers.

This survey is for teachers in England. Please take just 15-20 minutes to complete our survey, your answers enable us to identify trends concerning history education and provision, and to lobby and campaign through evidence-based research.

You do not have to be a member of the HA to take part, so please spread the word to colleagues in other schools to have their say and be a part of the only national research into primary history education.

We really appreciate your time. One lucky respondent will be chosen at random to win £100 of vouchers of their choice. The closing date is 19 July 2024 at midnight.