
1% of survey complete.
This assessment has been designed to test the knowledge of a candidate in the field of critical care EEG. All terminology used in this assessment is in accordance with the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society's (ACNS) standardized critical care EEG terminology: 2021 version.

The assessment consists of two sections.
Section A: Knowledge assessment, consisting of either a written question or a diagram designed to test specific knowledge on components of the ACNS terminology (50 questions).
Section B) EEG examples, consisting of one or more consecutive EEG pages with accompanying questions. Each example will have one or more questions related to that EEG and its features (25 EEGs)

Approximate completion time: 60-120 minutes.

You will receive your score immediately upon completion. A score >= 80% reflects an adequate level of knowledge for participating in critical care EEG for research. This is not an official endorsement or certification by ACNS or any other entity.

If you score <80%, you may retake the test after a one-month delay. The responses for each question will remain confidential. Any group analysis on this test for quality assurance or research purposes will be conducted only on de-identified responses.

If you score >= 80%, you will receive an electronic certificate of completion of the CCEMRC’s self-assessment examination on Critical Care EEG Terminology, with a date of completion. Certificates are sent once a month. Consider this in your timeline, if urgent, please send an email to with your request. Do not expect a certificate if you scored 80% or above after taking it once and did not wait at least a month before retaking it.

Question Title

Full name:

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Current Postion:

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If other, please specify:

Question Title

Please estimate the number of years you have been reading critical care EEG (including fellowship):

Question Title

Please rate your level of comfort/confidence with ACNS critical care EEG terminology:

Question Title

Board certification: (Select all that apply)

Question Title

The ACNS critical care EEG certification test has been designed to assess the competency of trainees and physicians involved in the regular reading of EEG in such patients. The test is freely available for anyone who wishes to track their progress in the field. In order to maintain the maximum fairness the following attestations are required in order to take this examination:
I attest that: 
1) This is an individual effort; I will perform the test by myself and not as a group effort, in conditions that best replicate an examination environment
2) I will not take any photographs, screen captures, or any other permanent record of questions or any other portion of this exam;

Please note that referring to the terminology guideline and its accompanying teaching materials is permitted and will be helpful during this examination. They are available at these links:
ACNS: Guidelines and Consensus Statements:
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology website: