For further assistance, please contact the following:

Question Title

* 1. Sector/Department Name

Question Title

* 2. Head of Sector/Department Name

Question Title

* 3. To what extent, currently Capital/Asset Allocations or Budgeted Expenditures consider the risk of losses or adverse incidents facing the Sector/Department:
(Risk of losses, Threats or adverse incidents could differ as to the nature of Sector/Department's activities nature (e.g. Asset Price volatility, loss of key Clients, unable to satisfy clients needs, loss of staff , key Vendor failure, etc.)

Question Title

* 4. To what extent, currently Sector/Department's annual budget considers the risk of losses or adverse incidents that could be faced during the year :
(Risk of losses, Threats or adverse incidents could differ as to the nature of Sector/Department's activities nature (e.g. Asset Price volatility, loss of key Clients, unable to satisfy clients needs, loss of staff , key Vendor failure, etc.)

Question Title

* 5. To what extent, currently risk of losses or adverse incidents are considered in Making Decisions of core activities of Sector/Department :
(Risk of losses, Threats or adverse incidents could differ as to the nature of Sector/Department's activities nature (e.g. Asset Price volatility, loss of key Clients, unable to satisfy clients needs, loss of staff , key Vendor failure, etc.)

Question Title

* 6. How you describe the risk tolerance (i.e. level of accepting risks) in the Sector/Department during performing the activities and decision making:
(Is the emphasis on measuring and monitoring “return” greater than the emphasis on measuring and monitoring “risks”)

Question Title

* 7. When the Risk & Return of a decision/activity with the Sector/Department are balanced, would you be taking/recommending such decision/activity in order to obtain the targeted return/cost saving:

Question Title

* 8. To what extent, any incident of Business Disruption would be affecting Sector/Department's core activities and operations:

Question Title

* 9. How can you assess the need to Business Continuity arrangements in respect to Sector/Department's operations to avoid any business disruptions of Sector/Department's core activities:

Question Title

* 10. Do the Reports issued by the Sector/Department consider Risk Factors (e.g. risk of financial losses or adverse incidents that could be faced) affecting activities and mitigation actions of such risks:

Question Title

* 11. Is Sector/Department Policies & Procedure Manual consider Risk Management need for the threats affecting Sector/Department's activities:

Question Title

* 12. How would you assess the Risk of Staff that would affect the Sector/Department's activities:
(Risk of Staff is assessed by potential losses due to staff-related deficiencies magnified by level of dependency of Sector/Department's activities on staff capacity, qualifications and punctuality)

Question Title

* 13. How would you assess the Risk of Processes that would affect the Sector/Department's activities:
(Risk of Processes is assessed by potential losses due to Process-related deficiencies magnified by level of dependency of Sector/Department's activities on proper processes design and workflow and standard procedure tasks)

Question Title

* 14. How would you assess the Risk of Systems that would affect the Sector/Department's activities:
(Risk of Staff is assessed by potential losses due to staff-related deficiencies magnified by level of dependency of Sector/Department's activities on staff capacity, qualifications and punctuality)

Question Title

* 15. How would you assess the Risk of Vendors/Third Parties affecting the Sector/Department's activities:
(Risk of Vendors/Third Parties is assessed by potential losses due to Vendor-related deficiencies magnified by level of dependency of Sector/Department's activities on products and services of Vendors/Third Parties.)

Question Title

* 16. How would you assess the Reputational Risk affecting the Sector/Department's activities:
(Reputational Risk is assessed by potential losses due to negative impact on reputation would affect Sector/Department's activities.)

Question Title

* 17. How would you assess the Risk of Cybersecurity affecting the Sector/Department's activities:
(Risk of Cybersecurity is assessed based to what level Cyber attacks would affect Sector/Department's data, information and core activities.)

Question Title

* 18. How you assess Staff awareness of Risk Management within the Sector/Department's activities:

Question Title

* 19. How would you assess the progress in Risk awareness with Sector/Department's staff compared to last year:

Question Title

* 20. Do Staff of Sector/Department need more training in Risk Management practices:

Question Title

* 21. How would you assess the effectiveness of Risk Champions initiative to enhance Risk Management Practices within the Sector/Department:

Question Title

* 22. What are the areas of enhancement in Risk Management practices that you would suggest to be implemented in the Sector/Department: