2024 Art & Wind Festival Survey Question Title * 1. How many times have you attended the Art and Wind Festival? First Time Attending 2-3 4-10 11+ Question Title * 2. On Scale of 1-5 did the Art and Wind Festival meet your expectations? 5 being Exceeds Expectations and 1 being Did Not Meet Expectations. 1 (Did not meet Expectations) 2 (Slightly Below Expectations) 3 (Met Expectations) 4 (Slightly above Expectations? 5 (Exceeds Expectations) Please let us know why? Question Title * 3. What did you enjoy most about the Art and Wind Festival? Question Title * 4. Are there any activities or performances you would like to see included or added to the Art and Wind Festival? Question Title * 5. How would you rate the venues and locations from 1-5. 5 being Outstanding and 1 being Poor. 1 (Poor) 2 (Unsatisfactory) 3 (Satisfactory) 4 ( Above Expectations) 5 (Outstanding) Question Title * 6. Were there any specific areas of improvement at the Festival you would like to see next year? Question Title * 7. How satisfied were you with the food and beverage options available at the Festival on scale of 1 - 5? 5 being Very Satisfied and 1 Very Dissatisfied. 1 (Very Dissatisfied) 2 (Dissatisfied) 3 (Neutral) 4 (Satisfied) 5 (Very Satisfied) Question Title * 8. What specific food or beverage items you would like to see offered at the Festival? Question Title * 9. Did you purchase food and beverages based on the Non-Profit it supported? Yes No Question Title * 10. How did you learn about the Festival? Activity Guide E-mail Instagram Facebook Nextdoor Patch Search Engines (Google, Yahoo) Friends or Family Newspapers Ad Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. What is your 5-digit zipcode? Question Title * 12. Do you have any additional suggestions or feedback for the Art and Wind Festival? Done