
Please fill in the boxes below or leave questions 1 and 2 blank for an anonymous survey 

Question Title

* 1. Organization Information

Question Title

* 2. CB & Audit Information

Question Title

* 3. Auditing Skills and Knowledge

Please rate the following questions on a scale of poor (meaning the lowest score) to outstanding (meaning the highest score)

  Poor Fair Good  Very Good Outstanding  N/A
Planning and Organizing 
Conducting the Audit within the agreed timeframe
Communication Skills (interviewing, language, gestures)
Interviews of Employees and Staff
Collecting evidence by document review and records
Preparation of the written audit report
Explaining audit outcome and findings

Question Title

* 4. Technical Skills and Knowledge

Please rate the following questions on a scale of poor (meaning the lowest score) to outstanding (meaning the highest score)

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding  N/A
Thorough understanding of program requirements 
Knowledge and understanding of my operation's product and technology 
Knowledge and understanding of Good Agricultural Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices, as applicable
Knowledge and understanding of HACCP, or HACCP-based systems for the farm

Question Title

* 5. Behavior and Systems Thinking

Please rate the following questions on a scale of poor (meaning the lowest score) to outstanding (meaning the highest score)

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding
Professionalism (time management, courtesy, organization)
Rate the overall performance of the auditor

Question Title

* 6. Additional Comments