Thank you for helping us select the best title and subtitle for the new book by bestselling author Mark Miller.

Leadership has never been easy. The growing complexity in our world is making the challenge even more difficult. To thrive, leaders must think and act differently.

Continuing the fable format that has proven so successful in his previous books, Mark tells the story of Blake Brown, a new, struggling CEO overwhelmed by declining company sales, employees with low engagement and morale, and a lackluster leadership team. Nothing Blake learned from his previous jobs seems to help him deal with the bigger, more complex problems he now faces. The game has changed.

Blake's new mentor is Jack Deluca, a retired CEO and chess grandmaster who helps Blake look at his challenges with new eyes. Jack shows Blake how he is playing a simple game of checkers when he should be playing chess.

Drawing on his extensive knowledge of chess and business, Jack uses the metaphor of playing "chess not checkers" to help leaders utilize the unique abilities of each employee, spur strategic thinking throughout an organization, and think ahead, not just to the next move, but to the moves after that and the moves of competitors.

As the story continues, Blake learns how to apply this new chess-not-checkers mentality to four major priorities for creating high performance organizations: leadership development, employee engagement, organizational alignment, and disciplined execution.

This book will help leaders successfully navigate the complexities they face while producing the results they aspire to.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the effectiveness of each of the MAIN TITLE ideas below.

  Very Effective Effective Ineffective Very Ineffective
All In!
Leaders Play a Different Game
Lead Differently
Game Changer
Think Ahead
The Leadership Mind
Chess Not Checkers
Leadership Is Chess
Change the Game
It's Your Move!
Leadership Is Chess Not Checkers

Question Title

* 2. Which main title do you like best, and what do you like about it?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the effectiveness of each of the SUBTITLE ideas below.

  Very Effective Effective Ineffective Very Ineffective
Leadership Is Chess Not Checkers
Thinking Ahead for High Performance
Creating a High-Performance Organization
Think Differently, Lead Differently
Leaders Play Chess Not Checkers
Leading in a Complex World
How to Lead Your Team to High Performance
Elevating Your Leadership Game

Question Title

* 4. Which subtitle idea do you like best, and what do you like about it?

Question Title

* 5. Please suggest any other book title ideas or subtitle ideas that you have.

Question Title

* 6. What is your principal employment or vocation?

Question Title

* 7. What is your first and last name? (If you don't wish to provide your name, then just type in your initials.)

Thanks so much for your help!