Mission Statement:
  • In an industry that changes at lightning speed, ​people managers are challenged with creating a supportive and high-performing environment that enables our people, their creativity, and innovation to flourish. Each people manager is unique and collectively we're wiser. That’s why the community offers easy and customizable ways for managers to learn from and connect with each other and to access the resources they need when they need them!​ ​

Question Title

* 2. How long have you been a people manager (i.e., someone with one or more direct reports)?

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* 3. How long have you been a GMC member?

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* 4. Since joining the GMC, how much time have you spent, in IPG Health Discover, engaging with self-paced content? 

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* 5. What has encouraged you to view content in IPG Health Discover? (Select all that apply)  

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* 6. Which of the following Global Manager Community sessions have you attended?  (Select all that apply)  

Question Title

* 7. If you've attended at least one Masterminds Session in the past few months, respond to the following statements.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The session(s) provided me with an opportunity to connect and learn from other managers across the network.
The session(s) provided me with an opportunity to speak with others who are facing similar challenges, or are interested in the same topics as I am.
I left the session(s) with increased knowledge.
I left the session(s) with practical steps I could take.
The facilitator(s) invited people to contribute to the conversation and welcomed different perspectives.

Question Title

* 8. Based on what you've experienced so far, respond to the following statements.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The community will be helpful to all people managers.
The sessions were structured to allow people managers to safely share their perspectives.
I'd recommend this community to other people managers.

Question Title

* 9. What, if any, changes (e.g., more/less structure, dig deeper into topics, offer sessions again, increase/reduce session size or duration, share resources (e.g., videos, articles, etc.) related to the topic, offer opportunities to connect with facilitators following the session, etc.) would you recommend be made to improve the live sessions?

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* 10. Which, if any, of the below topics would you be interested in joining a session on?  (Select all that apply)  

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* 11. What else would you like to share with organizers of the GMC?