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Step therapy is a form of prior authorization in which an insurance company requires a patient to demonstrate unsuccessful treatment or “fail first” on certain medications before they receive coverage for the medication their physician recommends. This stops patients from accessing adequate treatment for their conditions in a timely manner. Last year, Maryland considered legislation that would exempt ‘fail first’ practices for drugs used to treat serious mental illness. 

NAMI Maryland is looking for information on how step therapy, or "fail first" treatments have affected our community.  Please respond with as much detail as possible.  We thank you for your feedback!

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* 1. What is your connection to mental illness?  Check all that apply.

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* 3. What type of health insurance plan do you currently have?

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* 4. Take a look at the back of your insurance card.  Does it say "MIA- Maryland Insurance Administration" or "MDH - Maryland Department of Health" on the back?  If so, this language indicates your plan is overseen by the state.

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* 5. Have you or someone you care for been diagnosed with a mental illness, prescribed a medication by a physician, and had that medication be denied or delayed?

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* 6. Have you ever been denied a prescription from your insurer and required to take another drug in its place?

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* 7. Were you eventually able to receive the drug your provider initially prescribed?

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* 8. If yes, how long did it take before you received the originally prescribed drug?

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* 9. How would you describe this experience for you and/or your loved one?

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* 10. With support from NAMI Maryland, would you be willing to engage in any of the following ways?  Please check all that apply.