Parent/Student Survey

It is extremely important during this time that the schools be able to communicate with families in our district. Because of that, all blocked notifications will be turned back on so that we make sure everyone gets the shared information.
Website Update Center:

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* 1. Do you have Internet availability at home?

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* 2. Do you have device(s) available at home?
Please select all that apply.

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* 3. If you do not have Internet access do you have connectivity through your phone?

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* 4. Grades your student(s) are enrolled in at school. (Please check all that apply.)

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* 5. Are you interested in continuing to receive breakfast and/or lunch from JPS?

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* 6. If you selected "Yes": on question number 5, how would you like to get the meals?

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* 7. Family contact information so we can reach out if you need a device for your student to access school related instruction or if you have indicated you wish to continue with food service meals.