Sales Customer Feedback 2023

Your feedback from this survey will help us serve you better in the future.
It should only take 5 minutes to complete. Please note that your answers are completely confidential.

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1. How did you learn about Plant Solutions Limited?

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2. What is your preferred platform to keep updated with Plant Solutions Limited evolving products and services?

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3. Which meeting format do you favor?

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4. Which products or services come to mind when you think of Plant Solutions Limited?

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5. Which of your critical business functions do you believe is most vulnerable as it pertains to waste and emissions management?

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6. Which of the following statements most resonates with your interaction with Plant Solutions Limited?

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7. Plant Solutions Limited acknowledges and responds to your enquires or queries in your expected timeframe.

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8. Plant Solutions Limited representatives demonstrate a clear understanding and interpretation of customer requirements.

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9. Plant Solutions Limited's Services Department has delivered to my expectations.

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10. I am confident in Plant Solutions Limited's ability to manage the supply chain around my enquiries.

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11. Plant Solutions Limited's After Sales Service & Support meets your expectation.

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12. When presenting solutions what factors are important to you?

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13. What made you choose Plant Solutions Limited over a competitor?

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14. Plant Solutions Limited's E-commerce platform will be highly beneficial to my company.

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15. Plant Solutions Limited's Live Chat on its website will add value to the customer experience.

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16. What can we do in the future to improve your experience with Plant Solutions Limited?