District Annual Parent Survey
2024 - 2025

The survey will take approximately 6 minutes to complete.

Dear Families,
Our schools conduct outreach to all parents and family members and support successful school and family interactions. Your help in planning these family engagement efforts is appreciated. Please complete the following sections to provide your recommendations for our efforts to help you support your child’s learning and educational success.
1.School name:(Required.)
2.How can administrators build partnerships with parents and families to improve student achievement? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
3.How can teachers build partnerships with parents and families to improve student achievement? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
Title I Family Engagement Budget
Each school with a Title I Program received federal funds called “Title I, Part A” to engage parents and family members in their child’s education.
4.How would you prioritize the following items to assist in spending the Family Engagement funds?

Select 1-5 for each statement with 5 stars being the highest priority.
5 Highest
1 Lowest
Professional Learning for teachers and administrators about family engagement. For example: Building relationships with families
Programs that reach parents and family members at home, in the community, and at school. For example: Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT), English classes, etc.
Distributing information about how best to engage all families in the education of their children. For example: Opportunities for my family to provide input into activities and learn more about the school’s educational plan
Helping schools partner with community-based or other organizations or employers that support family engagement. For example: Partners in Education, PTO/PTA, United Way, business donations, work- based learning
Academic-related activities and strategies that help me support my child(ren)’s education. For example: Math, Science, STEM, or graduation events
5.Which of these activities were effective at your school? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
6.Which of these activities should continue at your school? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
School and District Communication
7.Local School Communication: What form(s) of communication do you prefer when it comes to information about your child’s education? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
8.District Communication: What form(s) of communication do you prefer when it comes to information about your child’s education? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
9.Please complete the following questions:(Required.)
Not Sure
Not Applicable
Communication with the school is provided, translated, or interpreted in a language I can understand.
The school offers meetings in different formats such as in person and online
The school offers parent meetings at a convenient time of day.
10.Select the best time(s) for you to attend a parent meeting. (Select all that apply):(Required.)
11.What prevents you from attending family engagement activities or events at your school? (Select all that apply):(Required.)
12.What could the school do to encourage your participation in family engagement events / activities at your child’s school?(Required.)
13.Which school level transitions would you like the school to offer? (Select all that apply):(Required.)
14.Which of the following family-support topics would you like to receive more information about?

(Select all that apply)
15.How can the school / teacher further support you in helping your child(ren) achieve academically?(Required.)
16.Additional comments, compliments, and suggestions:
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered