Question Title

OMB Control Number 1040-0001
Expiration Date 09/30/2028

This is a survey for parents of students receiving special education services. Your responses will help guide efforts to improve services and results for children and families.

  1. If you have more than one child receiving special education services, complete the survey for each child. The form will automatically reload after each submission.
  2. You may skip any item that you feel does not apply to you or your child.
  3. For each statement below, please select one of the response choices: agree or disagree.
Schools Efforts to Partner with Parents
Choose or identify one option for each category:

Question Title

* 14. Child’s Race/Ethnicity

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This information is collected to properly identify each student’s instructional and residential program classification. The information is supplied by a respondent to obtain or retain a benefit that is to provide appropriate schooling. It is estimated that responding to the request will take an average of 10 minutes to complete. This includes the amount of time it takes to gather the information and fill out the form. If you wish to make comments on the form, please send them to the Information Collection Clearance Officer-Indian Affairs, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240. NOTE: Comments, names, and addresses of commenters are available for public review during regular business hours. If you wish us to withhold this information you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comment. We will honor your request to the extent allowable by law. In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, as amended, this collection has been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB Control #1040-0001. Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to report to, a collection of information unless there is a valid OMB control number.