
Thank you for your interest in AABC’s volunteer or work study program, to be held during the 2024 AABC Birth Institute in Minneapolis, MN on November 7-10, 2024.

AABC offers a work-study program to a select few who want to attend the AABC Birth Institute in person as a conference volunteer. This opportunity will get you behind the scenes of the conference, as well as allow you to partake in the convention sessions, celebrations and events, and earn continuing education credits.

A conference volunteer has a very serious responsibility! The volunteer will have an obligation to perform many essential tasks during the conference. These might include: assembling conference handouts (pre-conference), assisting staff at the registration desk (which includes signing in attendees and retail sales), assisting with various exhibit hall tasks, assisting the speaker during the sessions, and more. Check out the schedule on our website.

In exchange for your time as a volunteer, you will receive one complimentary registration to attend the conference. We have a limited number of spaces available for this program, and in order to select the applicants best suited for the program, we need to gain an understanding of your availability and flexibility to accommodate a fast-paced conference schedule through an online application form.

Being a prior volunteer at past conventions does not exclude you from this program. You are welcome to apply again!

Once we have reviewed your information and the others who have applied, we will notify you if you were accepted into the program and ask you to sign an agreement. Preference will be given to students and Associate Members.

This opportunity does not include travel costs or travel arrangements. Please be aware that if you aren’t able to fulfill the obligation, you will be responsible to pay for the cost of the conference.

Questions? Please contact or call 215.234.8068.

Deadline to apply is September 15th, 2024.