Customer Satisfaction Survey September2021

BH Link Customer Satisfaction Survey

In order for BH Link to provide the best services possible we need to hear from those that have used/or are currently using our services. To that end we are seeking your feedback. Your honest opinion is critical to ensuring that we are providing the best behavioral healthcare services possible. Thank you for taking the time to let us know how we are doing.
1.Do you consent to giving us your feedback?
2.Would you like to remain anonymous?
3.I am a  . . .
4.What BH Link services did you utilize (check all that apply)
5.How would you rate your interaction with BH Link staff?
6.How was it to access the services at BH Link?
7.What was positive about your experience with BH Link?
8.What would have made your experience with BH Link better?
9.How likely are you to recommend BH Link to another?
10.Any other recommendations/suggestions you have to make BH Link better?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered