Client Feedback Question Title * 1. How many times have you been involved in filing material related to an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada? Once Twice 3 to 5 times 6 to 10 times More than 10 times Never OK Question Title * 2. How many times have you been involved in an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada? Once Twice 3 to 5 times 6 to 10 times More than 10 times Never OK Question Title * 3. The Registry Branch offers a range of services. Which of the following services did you access in the past year? This includes services offered through any chanel i,e. online, phone, email, mail. (check all that apply) information related to applications for leave to appeal Information related to appeals Information about motions information about decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada OK Question Title * 4. Overall, how satisfied are you with the following services provided by the Registry? Use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is “very dissatisfied” and 5 is “very satisfied”. Check only one option for each statement. If you are not sure or a statement does not apply to you, please use the ‘Don’t know/ Not applicable’ category Strongly dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied Information related to applications for leave to appeal Information related to applications for leave to appeal Strongly dissatisfied Information related to applications for leave to appeal Dissatisfied Information related to applications for leave to appeal Neutral Information related to applications for leave to appeal Satisfied Information related to applications for leave to appeal Very satisfied Information related to appeals Information related to appeals Strongly dissatisfied Information related to appeals Dissatisfied Information related to appeals Neutral Information related to appeals Satisfied Information related to appeals Very satisfied Information about motions Information about motions Strongly dissatisfied Information about motions Dissatisfied Information about motions Neutral Information about motions Satisfied Information about motions Very satisfied Information about decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada Information about decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada Strongly dissatisfied Information about decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada Dissatisfied Information about decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada Neutral Information about decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada Satisfied Information about decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada Very satisfied OK DONE