Are group exercise classes available or are there nearby gyms and recreation centers?
Are group exercise classes available or are there nearby gyms and recreation centers? Yes
Are group exercise classes available or are there nearby gyms and recreation centers? Sometimes
Are group exercise classes available or are there nearby gyms and recreation centers? No
Is there a safe area outside for walking?
Is there a safe area outside for walking? Yes
Is there a safe area outside for walking? Sometimes
Is there a safe area outside for walking? No
Are walking/standing workstations available?
Are walking/standing workstations available? Yes
Are walking/standing workstations available? Sometimes
Are walking/standing workstations available? No
Is there promotion and participation in physical wellness challenges such as March Into May?
Is there promotion and participation in physical wellness challenges such as March Into May? Yes
Is there promotion and participation in physical wellness challenges such as March Into May? Sometimes
Is there promotion and participation in physical wellness challenges such as March Into May? No
Is physical activity part of the regular job duties at this location?
Is physical activity part of the regular job duties at this location? Yes
Is physical activity part of the regular job duties at this location? Sometimes
Is physical activity part of the regular job duties at this location? No
Is the HealthyMe Clinic promoted to employees and their spouses?
Is the HealthyMe Clinic promoted to employees and their spouses? Yes
Is the HealthyMe Clinic promoted to employees and their spouses? Sometimes
Is the HealthyMe Clinic promoted to employees and their spouses? No
Is there encouragement to take walking meetings or movement breaks?
Is there encouragement to take walking meetings or movement breaks? Yes
Is there encouragement to take walking meetings or movement breaks? Sometimes
Is there encouragement to take walking meetings or movement breaks? No
Are employees aware of the recreation center discount for county employees & their families?
Are employees aware of the recreation center discount for county employees & their families? Yes
Are employees aware of the recreation center discount for county employees & their families? Sometimes
Are employees aware of the recreation center discount for county employees & their families? No