Twende Mbele Communications and Knowledge Management

1.Please select the category that best describes your role
2.In which country do you reside?
3.How often do you access Twende Mbele online resources or social media?
4.Which of the following channels do you use to access Twende Mbele information? Please check all that apply.
5.In terms of learning about national evaluation systems and tools, which of the following that you have accessed, has best meet your knowledge needs?
6.For those products that you have accessed, please tell us how you used them (tick all that apply).
Shared product with colleagues
Used learning from product to change my work practice
Used contacts made at learning events to improve knowledge in the area
Used information to lobby/advocate for change in the workplace
Informed my research and reflection
Policy briefs
Learning events/workshops
Presentations (on the website, or other)
Tools and guidelines
7.What area of content is of most interest for you to learn from Twende Mbele?
8.What is the main benefit you have gained from engaging with Twende Mbele's online resources and events?
9.What is one thing Twende can do to better meet your information, learning and collaboration needs?
10.How did you hear about Twende Mbele?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered