ISC Satisfaction Survey

We value your feedback!

The purpose of this survey is to allow you to offer feedback to BGC and the individual ISC who serves you. We encourage input from persons receiving services, conservators, guardians, family members, natural supports, Direct Support Professionals, provider agency management, and therapy providers.

NOTE: If you interact with multiple ISCs from BGC, please fill out separate surveys for each ISC.

Your answers to this survey will be anonymous and will contain no personal identifying information.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Question Title

1. Who is your ISC?

(Please type name in box below. If unsure of ISC's name, you may leave this box blank.)

Question Title

2. Which of the following best describes you?

Question Title

3. The ISC prepares Amendments to the Individual Support Plan (ISP) on a timely basis

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disgree Strongly N/A
Choose one:

Question Title

4. The ISP Amendments accurately reflect what is agreed upon by the COS

  Agree Strongly Agree Disgree Disagree Strongly N/A
Choose one:

Question Title

5. The ISC effectively engages all relevant persons in developing the ISP

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly N/A
Choose one:

Question Title

6. The ISC provided a Draft ISP prior to the ISP meeting

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly N/A
Choose one:

Question Title

7. The ISP accurately reflects the person’s life and needs

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly N/A
Choose one:

Question Title

8. When there has a been any problem, the ISC helps to resolve the issue effectively

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly N/A
Choose one:

Question Title

9. The ISC works with the COS to seek a balance between what is “Important To” the person served and what is “Important For” the person served

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly N/A
Choose one:

Question Title

10. Overall, I am satisfied with the service provided by the ISC

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly N/A
Choose one:

Question Title

11. Overall, I am satisfied with the support and services from BGC, Inc.

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly
Choose one:

Question Title

12. Any other comments or suggestions?