2025 Community Health Survey This survey is intended to gather your feedback and input about health needs in the community where you live. The results will be used to identify the most pressing concerns that can be addressed through the community working together. Thank you! Significant Community Health Concerns In each category, select the priority health concern(s) in your community. (Please check only the number shown.) Question Title * 1. Health Status (Choose ONE) Length of life Physical health Mental health Question Title * 2. Disease/Health Conditions (Choose TWO) Cancer Diabetes Heart disease Obesity Question Title * 3. Health Behaviors (Choose THREE) Alcohol use Breast cancer screening Colon cancer screening Dental health Illegal drug use Marijuana use Not being physically active Poor diet Sexual activity Smoking and tobacco use Vaccinations Vape use Question Title * 4. Neighborhood and Environment (Choose TWO) Access to healthy foods Access to parks Community access Housing availability Housing costs Internet access Social isolation/lack of support system Question Title * 5. Economic Stability (Choose TWO) Having enough food Homelessness Long commute (30+ Min) Low income Unemployment Violence within home/family Violent crime Question Title * 6. Causes of Early Death (Choose ONE) Cancer Diabetes Heart disease Injuries/accidents Overdose Suicide Responding to Community Health Needs Question Title * 7. Which of the following would have the biggest impact on the health concerns you identified above? (Choose THREE) Increased access to health care Increased access to mental health services Increased access to substance use services Increased access to aging services Additional workforce opportunities Improved transportation options Increased access to healthy foods Increased access to community based services Increased access to parks and recreation Additional affordable housing Reading and language resources Other (please specify) General Demographic Information: Question Title * 8. Where you live: City State Zip Code County Question Title * 9. Sex: Male Female Another Question Title * 10. Age: 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Question Title * 11. Race/Ethnicity: American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino Middle Eastern/N. African Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White Two or more races Question Title * 12. Primary Language: Question Title * 13. Education: Did not complete High School High School Diploma/GED Some College College Degree or Higher Question Title * 14. Household Income: Less than $14,500 $14,501 - $32,000 $32,001 - $50,000 $50,001 - $95,000 Over $95,000 Question Title * 15. Number of People in Home: Question Title * 16. Employment: Full-Time Part-Time Student Retired Not employed Done