Test your knowledge of curriculum material by answering the questions below. A final score and feedback on each question will be provided after hitting "Done" at the end. 
For questions, email breastfeedingcurriculum@aap.org.

Question Title

* 1. In the United States, among children born in 2019, what were the percentages of children ever breastfed, breastfed at 6 months and breastfed at 12 months respectively?

Question Title

* 2. The mother of one of your pediatric patients was seen in the emergency department yesterday and prescribed a new medication. She was advised that it would be safest to stop breastfeeding her 3-month infant during the next ten days while she is taking the medication. She calls your office and mentions that her breasts feel engorged and wonders whether she needs to wait another nine days before resuming breastfeeding. Your best advice would be: