About the BELL+ Program
O BELL+ programu

Beginner English Language Learning Plus - BELL + je besplatni jednosemestralni program početnih kurseva engleskog jezika namenjen polaznicima starijim od 18 godina u cilju unapređenja kvalifikacija neophodnih na savremenom tržištu rada. Časovi u trajanju od 90 minuta se održavaju dva puta nedeljno u prostorijama Američkog kutka, a pored osnova engleskog jezika, polaznici će imati priliku da se upoznaju sa američkom kulturom i vrednostima američkog društva. Program BELL + pod pokroviteljstvom Ambasade SAD u Srbiji i u saradnji sa Američkim kutkom organizuje Američki savet. 
Beginner English Language Learning Plus (BELL +) is a free of charge, one semester long program of beginner English courses intended for 18+ adults to improve their competencies necessary for the job market. 90 minutes classes are held twice a week and, besides the English language training, the students will have the opportunity to learn more about American culture and the values of the American society. BELL +, under the auspice of the US Embassy in Serbia, is implemented by the American Councils in collaboration with the American Corners.

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* 1. Popunjavanjem i podnošenjem ove prijave potvrđujem da sam, ukoliko budem izabran/a za stipendistu BELL+ programa, spreman/a i voljan/a da aktivno učestvujem na časovima i u aktivnostima Programa BELL+ tokom jednog  semestra (tj. 12 nedelja).

By completing and submitting this application, I confirm my commitment to participating actively BELL+ lessons and activities for the duration of one academic semester (i.e. 12 weeks), should I be selected as a BELL+ scholarship winner.

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* 2. Razumem da popunjavanje i podnošenje ove prijave ne garantuje da ću dobiti BELL+ stipendiju.

I understand that completion and submission of this application does not guarantee selection as a winner of a BELL+ scholarship.

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* 3. Vaši podaci/Applicant details:

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* 4. Označite odgovor koji nabliže opisuje vaš radni status / Please select the answer that best describes your status.

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* 5. Naznačite Vama geografski najbliži grad u kojem se nalazi Američki kutak / Which American Corner is nearest to you?