🌳🎉 Calling all Beaumont residents! 🎉🌳
The City of Beaumont is creating its first-ever Parks Master Plan to shape the future of Beaumont parks and recreation spaces for the next 10 years and beyond. We're thrilled to announce the launch of a community-wide survey and we need YOUR input to make it a success.

Your feedback will play a pivotal role in this process, and it is crucial that we create a vision that reflects the wants and needs of Beaumont’s diverse community. Your participation in this survey is a vital step towards making that vision a reality. Thank you for your commitment to
building a brighter, greener future for Beaumont. 🌳✨

The survey should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Please answer each question if you are able.
Please answer the questionnaire with YOUR opinions. If your spouse or others in your family would like to complete a questionnaire, the same survey can be taken online on a separate device.
All survey answers are anonymous, and will remain confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Do you have a favorite memory or experience in a Beaumont Park? Let us know below!

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* 2. What is your age range?

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* 3. Based on the map above, where do you live?

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* 4. Please state if you agree or disagree with a list of statements related to Beaumont parks.

  Agree Disagree
Better parks will help to improve our City image.
Better parks and recreation facilities would help strengthen our City economically.
The City should publish a list of volunteer and donation opportunities to allow the public to help improve City parks.
I believe that the City should more fully develop the parkland and open space that it already owns.
I am willing to pay additional City taxes and/or consider a bond initiative to see new parks and recreational amenities added to the community.

Question Title

* 5. The City is establishing a series of priorities to direct future actions for parks, trails and open space. Please indicate how important the following actions are to you. (Please select either Important or Not Important)

  Important Not Important
A citywide trail system
Multi-purpose indoor (community, recreation, senior) center
Water playgrounds
Dog Parks
Sports fields (e.g., baseball, softball, soccer, rugby)
Outdoor courts for basketball, volleyball, or tennis
Community gardens
Picnic areas
Acquire land for future development
Improve existing facilities
Active recreation (Hiking, canoeing etc.) opportunities
Passive recreation (picnicking, etc.) opportunities
Natural areas preservation
Nature and historical programming

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* 6. What amenities do you consider essential in a park? (Please only select up to three (3) answer choices)

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* 7. What is your primary mode of transportation to parks?

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* 8. How often do you visit parks in our community?

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* 9. What is the main reason for your park visits?

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* 10. On a scale of one (1) to five (5), how satisfied are you with the current upkeep and maintenance of parks in Beaumont?

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* 11. Which type of park meets your recreational desires?

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* 12. What is keeping you from using the City of Beaumont-owned parks and recreation facilities more frequently? Check all that apply.

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* 13. Do you have any children under the age of 19 living in your home? Check all that apply.

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* 14. Please list your favorite park activities you already participate in or would most like to participate in (Please list only up to five (5) activities. Example activities: Soccer league, festivals or special events, kayaking, picnicking, walking or hiking)

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* 15. What are the primary reasons that you would use trails in Beaumont? (Please check up to three (3) options)

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* 16. What should the City of Beaumont’s top two (2) priorities be over the next 10 years? (Please select only up to two (2) choices)

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* 17. What is your “Big Idea” for the Beaumont parks system that could become a reality in the future?