Question Title


Question Title

* 1. 以30至80字(中文或英文皆可),與我們分享一個以聖誕為主題的活動或遊戲,從而協助孩子擴闊英語詞彙或提升英語溝通技巧。
Share a fun activity or game based on the theme of Christmas which you play with your child to improve their range of English vocabulary or English communication skills in 30 to 80 words (Chinese or English).

Question Title

* 2. 家長英文全名(須與身份證相同)
Parents’ full English name (same as HKID):

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* 3. 身份證頭4個號碼
First 4 digits of HKID:

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* 4. 你的孩子之就讀年級
Your child’ school level:

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* 5. 你的孩子是
Your child is

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* 6. 電郵地址

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* 7. 聯絡電話
Contact number:

Question Title

* 8. 你如何得知這次比賽 ?(可選擇多於一項)
How did you learn about this competition? (You may select more than one option.)

Question Title

* 9. 英國文化協會希望使用你的聯絡資料以便奉上你可能感興趣之最新推廣優惠、服務及活動(包括社交活動)以及與其他機構合辦的推廣活動資訊。
The British Council would like to use your information to send you details of our latest promotions, services and events (including social events), as well as joint promotional campaigns with our partners which may be of interest to you.

條款及細則 :
1. 比賽截止日期為2015年11 月26日。
2. 參加者必須年滿18歲。
3. 每人只限參加比賽一次。如參加者的參加次數多於一次, 我們將以其第一次的參加紀錄作準。
4. 每人只可獲獎一次,得獎者將會於2015年12月7日或之前收到電郵通知。
5. 免費英語水平測試只適用於過去六個月內未曾參與本會英語入學試的新生。
6. 免費課程及課程現金券只供未曾報讀2016年2月學季課程(「樂與學」英語啓蒙課程、幼兒及中小學常規英語課程)或2015冬季精修英語課程之學生使用。
7. 有關免費課程、課程現金券及英語水平測試之其他條款及細則,請參閱換領信。
8. 所有英國文化協會員工及其家屬圴不得參與是次比賽。
9. 是次活動所收集的所有資料將絕對保密,並只會被用於處理你的查詢。
10. 有關是次活動的任何爭議,英國文化協會保留最終決定權。

Terms and conditions:
1. The deadline of the competition is 26 November 2015.
2. Participants should be aged 18 or above.
3. Each participant can enter only once. If a participant enters more than once, only the first entry will be considered.
4. Each participant can only win once, and winners will be notified by e-mail on or before 7 December 2015.
5. Free English level tests are only available to new students who have not taken our English level test in the last six months.
6. Free courses and course vouchers are only applicable to students who have not registered for English courses in the February 2016 semesters (Stay and Play or Kindergarten, Primary or Secondary regular courses) or 2015 Winter Intensive courses.
7. For the other terms and conditions of the free courses, course vouchers and English level tests, please refer to the gift redemption e-mail.
8. British Council staff are not eligible to participate in this activity.
9. All information collected is confidential and will only be used in accordance with your requests.
10. In case of disputes, the decision of the British Council shall be final.


The British Council collects your personal data to enable any requests arising from the submission of this form to be processed, including contacting you to progress your request. We are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of the personal information we hold in compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. In addition, under the UK Data Protection Act 1998 you have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold on you, for which we may charge a fee, and the right to ask us to correct any inaccuracies in that information. If you want more information about this please contact the Data Protection Team.