Client Feedack Help us do better - Rate your experience today Question Title * 1. Name (Optional) Question Title * 2. Rate your experience with our reception team... Below my expectation Met my expectation - similar to other Medical Clinics Exceeded my expectation - very friendly and professional If you rated "Below my expectation" please describe why... Question Title * 3. Health Practitioner Name Georgia - OT Driver Assessor Carolyn - OT Driver Assessor Marc - Exercise Physiologist Patrick - Exercise Physiologist Scott - Exercise Physiologist Bec M - Exercise Physiologist Trent - Exercise Physiologist Question Title * 4. Did your session run on time today? Yes No No - I was late If Waiting for the practitioner, how long were you waiting? Question Title * 5. Was your health practitioner suitably organised and professional? No he/she was disorganised and unprofessional Adequately organised and professional Well organised and professional Most definitely very well organised and very professional Question Title * 6. Was your health practitioner knowledgeable? No he/she was not knowledgeable at all Adequately knowledgeable Very Knowledgeable Question Title * 7. Was your health practitioner personable? No he/she was not personable at all Adequately personable Very Personable Question Title * 8. Did the practitioner address the reasons for you attending your session? Not at all A little Moderately Well Most definitely Question Title * 9. You left the session with a clear understanding of the ‘treatment’ plan?(That is, what you need to do, and what will be done in the future to achieve your goal/s.) Not at all clear A little clear Moderately clear Very clear Question Title * 10. Rate your overall level of satisfaction regarding today’s appointment Not satisfied at all A little satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Do you have any additional feedback? Done