Understanding How to Strengthen Our Communities

The Tri-County Head Start Program is looking for valuable feedback regarding early employer, childhood education information, and needs within your community. Our mission is to partner with families, staff and communities in providing quality services with compassion and professionalism to achieve stability, guidance and a positive educational experience. Your insights will help us best identify where there are childcare needs, barriers to accessibility and potential solutions to best meet the needs of our communities. 
It takes a village! If you are passionate about strengthening your community, please complete this brief survey.

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* 1. Form Completed by:

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* 3. What is the business name of your employer?

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* 4. What city is your employer located in?

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* 5. In which county does your employer operate? (please check all circles that apply)

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* 6. How long have you operated in the region? (years)

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* 7. Which sector does your company conduct business?

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* 8. How many employees does your company have?

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* 9. What are your hours of operation?

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* 10. Are you currently at full staff capacity? 

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* 11. Do you typically have issues filing staff positions?

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* 12. How many employee vacancies do you currently have?

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* 13. During which seasons do you have issues staffing?

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* 14. Which shifts do you have issues staffing?

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* 15. Which benefits do you offer employees? (check all that apply)

Early Childcare / Educational Opportunities: How Parent-Focused Employee Value Propositions Help Companies Win the War for Talent

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* 16. How familiar are you with the childcare issue throughout Michigan? (please check the box that applies)

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* 17. Do you believe the lack of childcare availability negatively impacts your ability to RECRUIT talent? (please check the box that applies)

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* 18. Do you believe the lack of childcare availability negatively impacts your ability to RETAIN talent? (please check the box that applies)

The following question is to help us gauge whether or not the following options would be worth pursuing within our geographic region of work:

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* 19. Would you be interested in expanding your benefits to include any of the following: (please check all of the boxes that apply)